Beauty Care

How to Clean and Store Black Contact Lenses Properly

Cleaning and storing black contacts properly is essential for maintaining eye health and ensuring the longevity of the lenses. Dry them with a lint-free towel to prevent any lint or debris from getting onto the lenses.

Remove the Lenses: Gently remove one lens from your eye using your index finger and thumb. Be careful not to pinch too hard or use your fingernails, as this could damage the black contacts lens.

Inspect for Damage: Check the lens for any tears, cracks, or debris. If you notice any damage, do not attempt to clean or reuse the lens. Dispose of it properly and use a new pair.

Clean with Solution: Place the lens in the palm of your hand and apply a few drops of multipurpose contact lens solution. Rub the lens gently with your fingertip in a back-and-forth motion for about 20 seconds. This helps remove protein buildup, debris, and bacteria.

Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the lens thoroughly with more contact lens solution to remove loosened debris and any remaining cleaner.

Disinfect: Place the lens in a clean contact lens case filled with fresh contact lens solution. Make sure the lens is completely submerged. Close the case tightly to prevent leakage and let the lens soak for the recommended time (usually at least 4-6 hours or overnight).

Storing Black Contact Lenses

Use a Clean Case: Always use a clean contact lens case to store your lenses. Rinse the case with solution and let it air dry upside down on a clean tissue after each use. Replace your contact lens case every 1-3 months to prevent bacterial buildup.

Fill with Solution: Fill each compartment of the case with fresh multipurpose contact lens solution. Avoid using saline solution or water, as they are not suitable for disinfecting lenses.

Place the Lenses: After cleaning and disinfecting your lenses, carefully place each lens in its corresponding compartment of the contact lens case.

Label the Case: If you use different prescriptions for each eye or have different wearing schedules (e.g., daily wear vs. extended wear), label the left and right compartments of the case to avoid mix-ups.

Store Properly: Close the contact lens case securely and store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing lenses in extreme temperatures or humid environments.

Regular Replacement: Replace your contact lens storage case every 1-3 months, as bacteria can accumulate over time and compromise lens hygiene.


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