How to play the wedding shoe game – A complete guide

The wedding shoe game is a fun activity that gets guests laughing while also allowing the newly married couple to learn more about each other. If you’re in search of an animated inclusion for your reception schedule, continue reading for a detailed manual on arranging this well-liked activity. The shoe game involves the bride and groom sitting back-to-back, each holding one of their partner’s shoes. The emcee then asks a series of questions about the couple like “Who is the better cook?” or “Who is more likely to leave their socks around the house?” Guests cheer when shoes match and laugh when they don’t, revealing amusing insights into the couple’s personalities and relationship habits.
The shoe game is ideally played during reception downtime after guests have finished eating and before any dancing begins. This lighthearted activity is a great way to transition from dinner to party mode. Allot 10-15 minutes for the game and shoe exchange, plus time for guests to settle back into their seats beforehand.
Preparing questions
Compile 10-20 fun, lighthearted questions about you and your partner. Avoid anything too intimate or embarrassing. Get creative, and focus on quirky habits, inside jokes, and differences between you. Some example wedding shoe game questions include.
- Who takes longer to get ready?
- Who is the better driver?
- Who grills the better steak?
- Who is most likely to burn dinner?
- Who spends more on clothes?
Next, You’ll need two chairs set up back-to-back in the center of the dance floor or reception area. Leave enough space for you and your partner to stand and move around. Give the emcee a microphone so guests hear the questions. Have the emcee introduce the game and invite you and your partner to the seats. Remove your wedding shoes and exchange one each to hold in hand back-to-back. Keep your chairs stable so you don’t tip during the game. The emcee then reads a question and each partner raises the shoe of who they think the question refers to. Share a quick smooch when your raised shoes match before moving to the next question.
Tips for Success
- Recruit an outgoing, charismatic friend or family member to emcee. Their energy will get guests excited to play along. Provide them with questions in advance.
- Print out question cards in large font so guests can read them and anticipation builds after each one.
- Have the DJ play upbeat, familiar songs softly in the background to keep the energy fun.
- Include humorous or surprising questions guests won’t expect like inside jokes. Keep them lighthearted, not embarrassing!
- Ham it up with playful reactions, funny faces at each other, and celebrations when you match shoes. Guests will feed off your enthusiasm.
After the final question, turn around for a kiss and put your original shoes back on. Thank guests for playing and invite everyone to dance away the laughs on the floor. The wedding shoe game infuses receptions with lively fun. With some planning and enthusiastic emceeing, you’re guaranteed thunderous laughs and sweet insights into your relationship.