7 Jewelry Mistakes to Avoid

Wearing jewellery is an art! The right combination can brighten up your outfits and the same goes in reverse. Either it’s a wedding function or a party, every occasion needs a different sort of jewellery and so is with styling. Your taste in artificial jewellery defines your personality. So, as a woman learning this art is necessary.
In this modern world, everybody owns a unique fashion statement that completes overall looks. But still, there are a few mistakes which we all must avoid. Sometimes, it has been seen that stunning jewelry pieces look messy if you wear them in the wrong way. Here are some common
Jewellery Styling Mistakes You Might be Doing Right NOW!
Your necklace and outfits’ neckline doesn’t match
We often like some particular piece of jewellery and tend to fit in with every outfit whether it goes with it or not. There are many things to be considered while choosing jewellery and matching necklines is one of them. We must own different types of necklaces to match different necklines. It will make your wardrobe and style more interesting. Moreover, it is essential to add different necklaces lengths to your collection to experiment with them.
A pendant necklace sitting right on a V-neck outfit looks phenomenal. Similarly, a round neckline gives beautiful space for a necklace such as a pipal Patti necklace. To buy a necklace for a boat neckline, a single-line choker could be a compliment for your outfit.
Emphasis Either on Clothing or Jewellery
It’s always one out of two! A simple and subtle dress brightens up with extraordinary jewellery. We can opt for heavy jewels with a plain or sober outfit and the same goes in reverse. Don’t wear a large piece of jewellery with a heavily embroidered dress. That looks ridiculous. If you are wearing bold clothing, you must go for light and small jewellery like stud earrings and a simple necklace.
I advise you to choose your bold whichever works for you. Always decide before dressing, or even where you want to focus! And yes, dress accordingly.
By Not Creating a Focal Point of Jewelry
If you are dressing for a particular occasion, decide where you want people to gaze. There should always be a highlight of your jewellery that focuses on a body part. It could be your neck, ears, or forehead.
The latest trend of this century is to wear a statement necklace with small studs or pair an oversized tikka with no necklace and medium-sized earrings. Just mix and match and make your focal point. So that everyone gets attracted to that section.
Multiple Hair Accessories
Isn’t it lovely to add hair accessories to your head?? But overdoing it makes it look messy and unattractive. Although there are numerous types of hair accessories that one can wear, however, the best advice is to wear as little as possible. In addition, the number of hair jewellery pieces also depends on the size of the head as well as hairstyle too. It could be a Passa or Mang Tikka, Indian Hair Gajra and much more. Don’t add extra clips or pins. Keep it neat and simple.
Not Matching Earrings with Your Hairstyles
Now, this could be new to some people. Right? But trust me it makes the whole difference. Wearing earrings according to your hairstyles makes them more attractive and eye-catching.
For instance, if you are having open hair or in downward direction on some occasions, opt for small earrings which don’t catch much attendance. And, if you decide to wear a high ponytail or bun, you can go with heavy ones as there will be a lot of space between your ear and neck.
Thinking ‘More is Less’
We might have a good collection of all trendy jewellery pieces and also want to flaunt all of them on some occasion. However, it is not a good fashion decision.
Wearing more jewellery is not always flattering. Good dressing is based on many factors like the event you are going to, your outfit, weather etc. Too much of anything is never exciting. The right piece of jewellery mixed with the right dress can make you look fabulous rather than wearing a lot of them.
Going too much with Trend
Being trendy is one thing, but always following the trend and losing your unique style and personality is not cool. Take an idea from an ongoing trend and spice them up with your own choices.
Whenever you choose jewellery, always think about what works for your traditional or westren wear and also your basic style. Beware of useless, pathetic trends. Never compromise on your taste for the sake of trend. You will end up looking uncomfortable and that will ruin your whole looks.
Summing Up
Not following the rules is also a rule. Never be too hard on something, always enjoy your moment. These were some common mistakes we make from time to time. But mistakes!! Who cares! Until and unless you are comfortable in what you are wearing; it doesn’t matter. To update your jewellery wardrobe, do check the latest collection of Amazel designs. Free shipping worldwide at reasonable prices.