
Essential Tips for buying a Morganite Engagement Ring

Morganite is a very precious gem found in 1910 in Madagascar. It ranges from pale pink to coral and has various shades as well. Morganite Engagement Rings are very beautiful and nowadays it is widely accepted and used as an Engagement ring. As per some engagement ring surveys conducted in the year of 2017, this is even considered to be the most popular non-diamond stone after sapphire. On the Mohs scale of hardness, Morganite is considered to be ranging between 7.5 to 8. This is one of the most important reasons that assure that the morganite engagement ring not only perfectly suitable for everyday wear and its durability has also gained positive results when compared to that of Diamond or Sapphire.

Previously, choosing an engagement ring was not a very difficult task because it was only the design or the color that was taken into consideration. But nowadays, a lot more things are taken into account before buying Morganite Engagement Rings such as where and how to buy the engagement ring be it the best engagement ring for husband or the best wedding ring.

Tips for Purchasing a Morganite Engagement Ring:

  1. Highly appreciable if you may choose a unique design-

Everybody wants to buy the best Morganite Engagement Rings. It may be for their fiancé or would be husband or wife. It is always appreciable to choose something unique or out of the box since it’s always a sign of your love and affection.

  1. There are 4C’s of Engagement ring-

Once you are going to purchase an engagement ring, there are 4C’s that should be taken into account i.e. carat, color, clarity, and cut.

  1. Size doesn’t make any difference-

While purchasing a morganite engagement ring, the size really doesn’t matter. It is the choice and the quality that matters the most.

  1. Knowing the backstories of the stone-

In order to make it a worthy purchase, you should also try to know the backstories of the stone used in the ring. For Example, morganite was discovered way back in 1910 at Madagascar by a gemologist named George F. Kunz.

  1. The Design should prove to be the best engagement ring for your husband-

Since you are presenting the ring with a precious gem to your husband or wife, it should be purely based on your love and affection. It should be a classic one and once you visit a jeweler, you should take their suggestions into consideration and should have a look at the best designs along with the color of the Morganite Engagement Rings as well before purchasing.

  1. Custom feels are always better-

Nowadays, custom feels are considered to be much better rather than a traditional or a readymade ring. Secondly, if you know any jewelry designer, taking his or her advice would also be much more appreciable.

  1. Never go alone to buy a ring-

It is always better if you go to buy an engagement ring with your friend who has a taste of your choice since shopping an engagement ring is always considered to be a daunting task.

  1. The price tag doesn’t matter-

Since an engagement ring is always considered to be a luxury item, people do not buy it very often. Therefore, priority should always be given to the choice and quality rather than the price tag.

The Steffy Oval Morganite Engagement Ring – samNsue

Reasons that make Morganite Engagement Ring the best:

  1. Price-

One of the most important and convincing reasons why Morganite is widely used as an engagement ring is because of its cheap price. It easily fits into your budget. On the other hand, the price of a diamond is increasing day by day and there is no such guarantee whether it’s original or would last for a long time. After buying from a reputed brand or store, people are worried whether it is authentic or not. This is one of the main reasons for wholeheartedly accepting Morganite and a lot of people do also believe that the meaning behind gifting the ring is important than the money spent on it.

  1. Amazing Color-

Another important reason why morganite is considered to be an excellent choice is that its color ranges from pink to coral. For example, if you want a pink stone ring for your engagement, you can easily buy a pink morganite rings instead of spending so much money on a pink diamond ring. Furthermore, depending on your choice and preferences, you can easily find various shades of morganite and choose the best out of it and gift your better half as a token of love.

  1. Love at first sight-

Lastly, Morganite Engagement Rings surely carries a very romantic look. Its pale peach and violet shades really carry an amazing appeal that would surely make you fall in love at first sight. It also carries an extreme elegance and luxury as well. Furthermore, it gives you a romantic as well as a vintage feel as well.

 Thus, buying the best engagement ring for your husband is still one of the most difficult jobs ever. Still accounting the above points, you may surely land up buying good Morganite Engagement Rings and it would surely be worth remembering. Morganite, because of its so many positive points, is being also considered as a good investment. Being a rare and precious stone, people do appreciate it a lot. Apart from the same, it is very sturdy and there are less chances of getting damaged. Therefore, it requires very little maintenance and can be used daily. Another important thing about Morganite is that the pale pink morganite is widely accepted because of its beauty. For a long time, pink has been associated with the sign of feminism, tenderness, romance, and love. It is said that the color pink also flatters any skin tone and these are the few yet very important reasons why pink morganites are widely purchased worldwide just because many people consider it to be the ideal gift for their wife or loved ones.


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