Fun Facts about the Puebloans

One of the most interesting Native American cultures is the group of tribes referred to as the Pueblo Native Americans. These tribes are named for the clay villages they would build. Some of them were even cliff-dwellers. They have lived in the southwest United States for centuries.
Pueblo Native Americans are especially known for their pottery. Many of their modern-day descendants still make Pueblo Native American pottery today. However, pottery is not the only thing that the Pueblo tribes are famous for. Here are a few other fun facts about the Pueblo Native Americans.
The Puebloans as a group are formed of nineteen different tribes, such as the Acoma, the Picuris, and the Zuni. Most of them live in New Mexico, but the Hopi live in Arizona and the Ysleta Del Sur Tigua live in Texas.
Different tribes traditionally speak different languages. Most of the Puebloan tongues are related to each other, but the Hopi speak a dialect related to the Aztec language. Interestingly, the Zunis speak a tongue known as a language isolate, meaning that it is unrelated to any other extant language.
The traditional homes of the Pueblo Native Americans are multi-story adobe houses. One extended family would live in each house. Ladders would provide access to the upper stories of the dwelling. Many Puebloans still live in houses that their ancestors lived in.
The Pueblo Native Americans hunted and farmed for their food. They raised crops such as corn, cotton, beans, and squash. Many modern dishes such as baked beans and popcorn are originally from the Puebloans.
These are just a few of the many fascinating features of the Pueblo tribes. Their culture is still alive and well today in their descendants, and many aspects of it are able to be viewed by visitors. Hopefully this has given you some basic knowledge about the Pueblo Native Americans and whetted your appetite for more!